
Sashka – Spread Love!

Empowering women in need and handmade by skilled artisans in Nepal. Every bracelet comes with a lifetime guarantee and a perfect fit promise.

Deal of the century!


I volunteer on Saturday at Salt Lake County Animal Services an although about 1/4 of the dogs we get are purebred, we don’t see many Shelties. I guess they’re too smart to get lost.
Anyway, one Saturday I noticed this sad face in a kennel. I took her out into one of the runs. She didn’t want to do anything except lie on the grass. I took a few photos and petted her for quite awhile. She was so reserved and even depressed.
Lost2Later, a couple who was on the list to adopt came to visit with her. She interacted with the family quite well and, after the visit, I took her back to her kennel. In a few hours I came to take her out again.
What a difference! She moved around the run and flashed the trademark Sheltie smile. I’m sure it was because she was certain that she now would have a home. The couple paid the adoption fee of only $95, which included the spay and even a microchip; truly the deal of the century!

Thanks for volunteering to help needy dogs Ken!