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Welcome to Sheltie Nation

The goal of Sheltie Nation has been to create a strong, vibrant community of Sheltie lovers. We hope to educate, inform as well as entertain visitors about the breed known as the Shetland Sheepdog. We encourage you to submit your own photos, stories & leave comments. We also hope you will join our forums, where you can make friends and network with other like-minded dog lovers.


Share your favorite Sheltie story, join the discussion, and participate with others who love and cherish their Shelties.

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Sheltie Angels

Sheltie Angels is a virtual memorial home for your departed Sheltie and a grief support community for you. Please feel free to submit a beloved Sheltie who has passed, or comment on one posted.

  • My loving sweet prince

  • The best furbuddy ever!

  • Was always there with me, almost on top of me when I had food

  • Best girl and spoiled princess