Herding fish
Today is Trevor’s 11th birthday! It is cause for even greater celebration than usual, as we were not sure he would have still been with us for this milestone. (He is fighting liver disease & failing knees. But thankfully, he is doing pretty good these days.)
So I thought I’d take a moment to share one of Trevor’s little precious quirks that make us giggle. I always knew he had a keen herding instinct, but never had him officially tested. I’m pretty confident he would have done just fine.
As you can see, he is the little protector of all living things here at Eden Farm. Even the fish. When they are all rounded up I can’t get his head out of the bucket.
Of course much to Trevor’s glee, this is a twice a year process (once in the spring when they go outside into the pond and once in the fall when the fishes go live in their indoor tank.) He is glued to the bucket and can’t wait until I put it down. Neither loud squeeky toys nor a delicious cookie will break his concentration.
You keep an eye on them big guy. We love you!