
Sashka – Spread Love!

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It’s Finally Here! Sheltie Angels

sableangelblueWe have been working hard behind the scenes this year and are finally ready to roll out the new Sheltie Angels section of Sheltie Nation! It has been a long time coming, but now there is a place where everyone can leave a lasting online memorial to their beloved Sheltie.

It is 100% free to leave a basic memorial. There is also the ability for anyone in this community to leave a memorial candle for anyone else’s angel. Each angel page and all memorial candles will be moderated before release, so there is no chance for spam.  We are also offering a paid upgrade option to include a photo gallery of your angel, if you choose.

It is a brand new section, so there are not a lot of memorials just yet, so please create one! If you have any suggestions, contribution suggestions or general feedback we would love to hear from you.