neutering a sheltie
The Pros and Cons of Neutering a Sheltie Howard, a handsome male Sheltie The most obvious reason for neutering a Sheltie is to ensure he doesn't impregnate a female and create an unplanned litter. Dogs and bitches in heat will always find each other - sometimes across miles - and [...]
What is the Best Dog Food?
What is The Best Dog Food? What is the best food for your dog? What is the best dog food to give to your beloved Shetland Sheepdog? Is it safe enough to give him kibble only or should you be giving fresh foods as well? And what is all the [...]
Choosing the Best Commercial Dog Food
Choosing the Best Commercial Dog Food Easy-to-Read Dog Food Comparison Chart Identifying the best commercial dog food at a glance, is one of the most important tips we can offer our readers. © Photo by The Wizard of Pawz The variety of commercial dog food brands and individual [...]
Foods That Are Toxic To Dogs
Have you ever fed your dog a grape as a treat? How about let him eat leftover meals containing onion, mushrooms or garlic? Does he get the odd tomato scrap when you're making a sandwich? Is he partial to pork fat trimmings or bacon? These foods can all be toxic [...]
Pet Food Storage
We've compiled these important pet food storage tips, and recommendations for the best dog food containers to help you ensure your pooch is eating the freshest and healthiest dog food possible. © Photo by EraPhernalia Vintage Hopefully, you've reviewed our dog food ratings and comparison chart, and are now feeding [...]