Simply the best boy ever
04/25/2010 -
Oh boy there’s not enough time or space to list all of the memories of Max …
He loved green beans, apples and licking the plates in the dishwasher — even climbing in sometimes!
He always had an after-dinner spurt of energy, rolling around the floor of the family room when we watched TV, then spontaneously grabbing his favorite gorilla toy and bringing it to us for a quick game of fetch, barking at us if we didn’t throw it fast enough
His preferred method of sleep — from his first car ride home as a puppy — was anywhere he could hang his head over the edge. His only way of drinking water was licking from the far edge of the bowl.
He loved car rides, rolling in the grass, long walks and going any place we went … always.
Everywhere we went, he attracted attention, ooos and ahhhhs. Everyone guessed his age many years younger than he was, even weeks before he died. He always smiled.
I laughed when he’d grab a treat from my hand with conviction but when the grandkids offered, he was very gentle and careful with them. He was smarter than all of us.
He loved to play ball and would chase anyone who had one, or run back and forth endlessly when any of us played catch.
He loved the boat. He loved to walk into the lake to cool off (as long as his feet were touching ground, he was happy!) He even loved to float on a raft. He adored the snow.
My heart aches for him. :(
Memorial created on October 4, 2022
by Joni
What a happy smiley face you had, Max. I can tell you enjoyed life to the fullest.
Max is so beautiful and sounds like he was such a spirited and fun dog. Ours used to lick on the opposite edge of the water bowl too! He sounds like he truly lived a life well loved and was forever adored. I know how that grief of saying goodbye brings us to our knees. Our lives are never the same after them, yet were forever changed when we met them. Wishing you continued warm memories of your time together.